Variegated Baby Rubber Plant Care

I would allow leaves or stem tip cuttings a day to dry out until planted.
Variegated baby rubber plant care. Variegated rubber trees typically need water every 5 7 days in summer and every 10 14 in winter or when leaves look wilted. Make sure water can drain from the plant and water your variegated rubber tree until water runs out of the bottom. You can also buy your peperomia obtusifolia online here. But indoors a rubber tree typically tops out at 6 to 10 feet tall.
The baby rubber plant can also propagate with leaf cuttings although variegated types may lose the variegation. Peperomia obtusifolia has cup like dark green leaves. Keep in mind that there s a bunch of different cultivars of this plant out there some more common than others. Peperomia obtusifolia variegata care size and growth.
They re fast growers with the right light conditions and can last 15 years or more with proper care. Multiple shades of dark green olive green and a lovely creamy white. Since baby rubber plant care is so easy they can be found in just about any greenhouse or even some grocery stores. These rubber plant care and growing tips will keep yours looking great.
It is a bushy upright plant with thick stems and fleshy glossy cupped leaves. Also known as the baby rubber plant it is actually unrelated to the hevea bransiliensis the primary resource of natural rubber. I ve already done a post and video on peperomia care all of them that i ve grown have been easy but wanted to do one dedicated solely to this succulent like beauty. Learn how to care for the peperomia green or baby rubber plant.
Peperomia variegata is an attractive variegated version of the baby rubber plant with all of the same cherished characteristics plus an added advantage. After spending quite a few years in the interiorscaping biz i found the rubber plant to be the easiest of the ficus trifecta which includes the fiddleaf fig and ficus benjamina to maintain and keep alive. The baby rubber plant with its thick glossy green leaves is just what you ve been looking for. This is all about how to grow and care for a peperomia obtusifolia.
The baby rubber plant has a fairly fast growth rate growing up to 10 inches tall and wide. It s been slightly pushed aside and i think now s the. Want an easy care indoor tree with large glossy leaves. You may want to experiment and try a few leaves and stem tips to see what propagation method works best for you.
If you re tired of coddling the notoriously fickle fiddle leaf fig or weary of picking up dropped leaves from your weeping fig every day try a rubber plant.