Van Gogh First Steps After Millet

How beautiful that millet is a child s first steps.
Van gogh first steps after millet. Copies by vincent van gogh form an important group of paintings executed by vincent van gogh between 1887 and early 1890. While at saint paul asylum in saint rémy de provence france where van gogh admitted himself he strived to have subjects during the cold winter months seeking to be reinvigorated artistically van gogh did more than 30 copies of works by some of his favorite artists. 25 october 1889 so while van gogh was envisioning a series of copies of millet s works it s arguable that first steps had a special significance to vincent at the time because of the upcoming birth of his nephew to his brother theo and sister in law johanna. The painting first step after millet is one of these reproductions made by van gogh in 1890 while he was in the asylum inspired by jean franã ois millet s crayon drawing made in 1858.
Letter to his brother theo. Created in saint rémy france in january 1890. Letter 611 saint rémy c. Van gogh letters 2009 letter no.
On or about january 13 1890 van gogh museum amsterdam inv. The artist only had access to this work thanks to his brother theo that sent him a black and white photograph of it by post giving his imagination the. First steps after millet was created in 1890 by vincent van gogh in post impressionism style. 839 writes that he will begin copying millet s first steps that week and that it will form a series along with five other copies after millet.
In van gogh letters 1958 letter no.